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Employee Assistance Plan

Plans that offer your employees support and options.

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Employee assistance plans in Decatur, GA and Albany, GA.

An employee’s emotional well-being can affect work performance, impacting the company’s bottom line. We’ll help you design a program that supports a happy, healthy, and productive workforce.

It’s no secret that a happy workforce is a productive workforce, and an employee assistance plan (otherwise known as an EAP) is a way to help staff cope with mental health, emotional issues and other related issues that could affect their performance. These could include relationship problems, bereavement, substance addiction or other stressful situations.

At its simplest, an employee assistance program (EAP) involves an independently operated telephone support line. More comprehensive programs can pay for confidential counseling and other support sessions for staff and their families.

In addition to helping your employees, such programs can reduce absenteeism and cases of low morale and stress that would typically restrict the employee’s ability to work to their full potential. Some plans even let employers ask for advice on dealing with stressed staff.

It’s important to keep in mind that the legal ramifications of employee assistance plans (EAPs) will differ depending on whether the plan directly offers counseling or similar treatment, or if it merely offers referrals.

If you’re interested in learning a bit more about employee assistance plans, our employee benefits experts can help you to determine if it might be a good fit for your business.

Employee Assistance Plan Quote Request

As an independent agency, we offer multiple options at competitive prices.

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Albany, GA Office
2543 Lafayette Plaza Drive
Albany, GA 31707
Decatur, GA Office
707-C East Lake Drive
Decatur, GA 30030
Sandy Springs, GA Office
6065 Roswell Road, Suite 945
Sandy Springs, GA 30328

Licensed in: GA, SC, NC, TN, FL, AL, CA, IN, and TX.